Build Calculix2.6.1 in Mingw64

There is detailed description here But it doesnot works well, at least for ccx2.6.1. Here are some complemetation

1. Build  ARPACK.
    Modify at follows
1) home="your current ARPACK home";
2) PLAT=anything you like. It would be appended in your library name.
3) Change the DIRS as
     DIRS = $(UTILdir)  $(SRCdir)
4) Make sure file second.f, which would in standard LAPACK library, in folder UTIL is not in your compile list.
5) RANLIB  = touch

2. Build spooles
   Following modifictions
1) Modify line 9 of SPOOLES.2.2/Tree/src/MakeGlobalLib from drawTree.c to draw.c
2) Modify line 204 of SPOOLES.2.2/MT/src/QRfactorMT.c from
to memset(&tids[myid], 0, sizeof(pthread_t) );
3) Modify
  THREAD_LIBS= -lpthread
4) Modify makefile
  #  cd MT               ; make lib
in make lib option

3. Build Calculix
1) Add #include "pthread.h" into file CalculiX.h
2) Modify Makefile as follows
  ・ Indicate where library of spooles, ARAPCK, BLAS and Lapack in in include in your LIBS, just like

BLASDIR = ../../../../solver/lapack-3.4.2

LIBS = \
    $(DIR)/MT/src/spoolesMT.a \
       $(DIR)/spooles.a \
       ../../../../solver/ARPACK/libarpack_WIN64.a \
    $(BLASDIR)/liblapack.a $(BLASDIR)/librefblas.a \
       $(LIBDIR)/libpthread.a \

 Then just make it. That's all!


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