Following three modifications are needed to compile METIS-5.1.0:
1. Modify line 4 of CMakelists.txt from
set(GKLIB_PATH "GKlib" CACHE PATH "path to GKlib")
2. Delete POSIX include file #include <sys/resource.h> in gk_arch.h. Seems allright.
3. Exclude
extern int gk_getopt(int __argc, char **__argv, char *__shortopts);
extern int gk_getopt_long(int __argc, char **__argv, char *__shortopts,
struct gk_option *__longopts, int *__longind);
extern int gk_getopt_long_only (int __argc, char **__argv,
char *__shortopts, struct gk_option *__longopts, int *__longind);
in file gk_getopt.h by, e.g.
#if !defined _MINGW64
extern int gk_getopt(int __argc, char **__argv, char *__shortopts);
extern int gk_getopt_long(int __argc, char **__argv, char *__shortopts,
struct gk_option *__longopts, int *__longind);
extern int gk_getopt_long_only (int __argc, char **__argv,
char *__shortopts, struct gk_option *__longopts, int *__longind);
To compile ParMETIS-4.0.3
1. Set GKLIB_PATH like
set(GKLIB_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/metis/GKlib" CACHE PATH "path to GKlib")
2. Add a line "include( findMPI )" in front of "include_directories(${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})" inside CMAKElistx.txt
For those who use MSMPI, you should be include <_mingw.h> in mpi.h of MSMPI. Otherwise there should be undefined data type errors.
3. Do above modification 2,3 for metis compile.
博文 (Atom)
VS Code下cmake, c++编译,调试环境的构成步骤
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