MUMPS is a MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver ( , which can be compiled easily under UNIX-alike platform. But it is hard to compiler it in native Windows environment.
The goal of this article is to introduce a compiler independent method to compile MUMPS by using Cross-platform compiling tools CMake (
1. Download CMakeLists.txt and copy it onto the MUMPS home directory. The CMakeLists.txt file considered the specific demand of Visual studio, where the Fortran and C programs should be compiled separately.
2. Using cmake to generate files compiler needed.
3. Pay attention to the fact that <inttypes.h> file include in mumps_c_types.h is part of C-99, which maybe not supported by visual c++. depends upon the version of VC adopted. In this case
1) Modify it to <stdint.h> or 2) Download the file from here.
The method provided here should be applied under any platform, theoretically, for those CMake supports. I tested it in Visual studio 2012 and intel Fortran for MUMPS 5.0.1 and MUMPS 5.0.2