Code::Blocks + GLUT + FLTK

Code::Blocks provides project templates for both GLUT and FLTK, but no for GLUT + FLTK. Here is a procedure to build a simple GLUT + FLTK program in Code::Blocks.

1.  Build up a new project for GLUT by using the Code::Blocks' template.
2.  Add search directories setting to the include and library directories of FLTK.
3.  Modify #include <GL/glut.h> in main.cpp to #include<FL/glut.H>
4.  Modify the Linker settings as follows
   1)  Add other linker options:  -mwindows
   2)  Link libraries as: fltk_images, fltk_gl, fltk, fltk_png, fltk_z, fltk_jpeg, glu32, opengl32, ole32, uuid, comctl32. Pay attention to that the sequential order of those libraries is important.

The project would be rebuilt successfully. You can then add FLTK functions as you like.



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1   下载必须extension      按[Ctrl+Shift+X]打开extension窗口,选择安装"C/C++", "CMake", "CMake Tools" 2   在VSCode下打开作业目录 ...