There are some binary distribution of glut in windows available, such as here. But it is not sure if they are available for your system, the version of your gcc compiler on your mingw32 or mingw64 etc. On the other hand, it is not easy to compile its sourcecode in mingw. However, freeglut provides cmake support for cross platform compiling. It is therefore suggested that freeglut, which provides binary distribution also, be adopted.
1. Compile freeglut by using cmake.
2. Keeping the include, library and dll file of freeglut available and compile like:
g++ -Os -Wall -o test -mwindows -lfreeglut -lopengl32 -lglu32
That's all.
博文评论 (Atom)
VS Code下cmake, c++编译,调试环境的构成步骤
1 下载必须extension 按[Ctrl+Shift+X]打开extension窗口,选择安装"C/C++", "CMake", "CMake Tools" 2 在VSCode下打开作业目录 ...

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