Indication about the libmesh building in windows in msys2 shell is provided in the libmesh official site. But it doesn't work well in my case: Windows 10 + msys2 with gcc 6.3.0 + mingw64 with gcc 7.2.0. Some additional points should be take into acoount.
For both msys2 and mingw64
1. Symbolic links are not available in both msys2 or mingw64. Those include:
contrib/eigen/eigen; contrib/exodusii/v5.09, v5.22; contrib/nemesis/v3.09, v5.22
contrib/netcdf/v3,v4; contrib/qhull/qhull
you should build symbolic link by 'ln' (just a hard copy) or by 'mklink' yourself.
Libmesh should be compiled successful under msys2 then. But under mingw64, futher modification should be added.
2. Some optional dependencies are available
metis: see solution here.
fparse: operation system dependent 'mkdir' and POSIX 'link' function
netcdf: some problem in depdents upon hdf5
Disable them by using --disable-netcdf --disable-metis --disable-fparser
3. Dependent upon netcdf still exists even '--disable-netcdf' is indicated. Comment out line 40558 (subdirs="$subdirs contrib/netcdf/v4") of file 'configure'
4. Inconsistence between 'exodusII_io.h' and 'exodussII_io.C'
In 'exodusII_io.h' some varaibales are defined under the condition
UniquePtr<ExodusII_IO_Helper> exio_helper;
int _timestep;
but are used unconditionedly in 'exodussII_io.C' at
function ExodusII_IO::write_timestep_discontinuous
"#ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API" is also needed here.
Everthing then should be allright!
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